“Ready, Aim, Shoot!” The Acceleration in Wound Diagnostics continues…

By John Schroeder | Jan 12, 2021 | Diagnostics

Just as in any other specialty, objective diagnostics would ideally be uniformly practiced before treatment. This is why we represent MicrogenDx next generation sequencing, and the Snapshot®NIR from Kent Imaging. Objective diagnostics are needed even more when treatment decisions will have an immediate and long-term effect on the patient and the patient population at large. While tissue viability studies like those with Snapshot® direct very physical and observable decisions, accurate knowledge of microbial contamination and its inflammatory sequelae are likely just as critical. 

In wound care, we know that Molecular Diagnostics, specifically DNA sequencing, is the new gold standard of biofilm diagnostics, but many still use subjective measures to determine whether or not to use these services. CSS are unreliable according to Baer, et al, with sensitivity of CSS in detection of bacteria only 15%.  Culture and Sensitivity testing leading to systemic antibiotics has been said by many to be both unreliable and in direct opposition to antibiotic stewardship efforts desperately seeking to retain the effectiveness of the drugs we have. How can one apply objective evaluation on the need for advanced testing? Can rapid point-of-care testing of microbial load dependent inflammatory markers provide further guidance when microbial DNA sequencing should be considered and/or repeated?

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New POC dx methods have become available across the world, but practitioners have questions on when they should be used, what therapies to use when tests are positive, and when patients should be retested. In order to achieve proper wound bed preparation for advanced tissues and closure, this research suggests practitioners should be using objective methods to determine presence of bacterial-caused inflammation. We really appreciate the analysis and pathway described in this article and look forward to a wider body of experience from our readers.   

Read full journal article


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